Customer Adoption Center
Helping You Drive Towards Success

Setting Up Your Customer Adoption Program

Learn how to best prepare your organization to launch a Customer Adoption Program.


Welcome to the Getting Started phase! In this phase, you’ll learn how to best prepare your organization to launch your Customer Adoption Program by completing three steps as follows:

  1. Inform & Educate Your Internal Teams: We'll equip you with an email template so you can quickly and easily bring your organization up to speed on all things Collaborative AR, including how your customers benefit from your new Customer Portal.
  1. Review Customer Email Data: You’ll want to review your customer email data for accuracy to ensure your customers receive the marketing communications and Customer Portal invitations.
  1. Build Awareness with Your Customers: We'll send your first email marketing communication to your customers, letting them know about your new Customer Portal, why it benefits them, and what to expect moving forward.
We have a variety of helpful resources that we'll call out along the way, but if you ever want to see all available resources, visit our Getting Started page, and navigate to the "Helpful Resources" section.

Next Steps

Now that you have a clear understanding of the three (3) necessary steps to best prepare your organization to launch your Customer Adoption Program, let's give other internal teams a heads-up on what to expect from your move to Collaborative AR.


Click the following link to learn how to: Inform & Educate Your Internal Teams.

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