Customer Success Resource Center
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Step 1: Inform & Educate Your Internal Teams

Informing and educating your internal teams on your new Customer Portal is important so everyone can communicate the benefits to your customers.

Enabling internal, customer-facing teams to “market” and “sell” your customers on your new Customer Portal is one of the most important steps you can take in driving initial customer adoption. Learn more below.


You'll see the best results from your Customer Adoption Program when your whole organization is on board and in-the-know regarding how Collaborative AR not only benefits internal teams, but most importantly, your customers.


While your AR Team may have all the details, it's equally important to make sure all customer-facing teams are educated as well. This will become increasingly important in the third step (see Building Awareness with Your Customers) of the Getting Started phase as many of these teams engage and communicate with customers and can help promote your Customer Portal, and then later onboard customers.


To help communicate your move to Collaborative AR internally, we've put together a customizable email template you can send across your organization to update them to incoming changes both internally, and externally with customers. While optional, our most successful clients have also hosted internal educational and training sessions for all customer-facing teams to ensure everyone is on the same page.


Here are some ideas on what to review in your training session:

  • New internal processes that affect cross-functional teams.
  • New external processes that customers will follow.
  • What are the Supplier and Customer Portals?
  • Who has access to the Supplier and Customer Portals?
  • What helpful resources are available for internal teams?
  • What helpful resources are available to share with customers


  1. Download our Email Template for Introducing Your Customer Portal to Internal Teams.
  1. Customize the email template by replacing the placeholder text such as your contact information.
  1. Review and send your email to your designated internal teams.
  1. Set aside time to answer any questions that may come up from internal team members. Our most successful clients have set up “office hours” enabling team members to quickly drop in and get answers to their questions.
  1. (Optional) Host an internal educational/training session to showcase your new Supplier and Customer Portals, and how they will benefit both parties.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve alerted your organization about your move to Collaborative AR and how it'll benefit your customers, let's take the time to review your customers' email data to ensure they'll receive your Collaborative AR messages moving forward.


Click the following link to learn how to: Review Customer Email Data.

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