Learn about the three phases of your Customer Adoption Program.
Learn how to best prepare your organization to launch a Customer Adoption Program.
Informing and educating your internal teams on your new Customer Portal is important so everyone can communicate the benefits to your customers.
Having accurate customer email data is essential as you prepare to send customers messages and invites via email.
Start building excitement with you customers and let them know what to expect.
View an example timeline of a successful Customer Promotion Program to plan dates and resources accordingly.
Use this email template to introduce your new Customer Portal to internal teams.
Watch this incredible video from Versapay showcasing why their collaborative approach to AR is the winning strategy.
Use this video demo of the to quickly show your internal teams the value of your Customer Portal.
Use this printable talk script to quickly enable internal team members to market and sell your Customer Portal to your customer base.
Use this email template to spread awareness on your new Customer Portal to customers.